January 30, 2012

Teen Times

So young so damaged!
That's my first thought on seeing today's generation. Oh yes! I just got 24 :D But no the teens really are living a messed up life. They don't have the privileges that we had. Good or bad, I don't know but I certainly feel we were glad.
Remember how we played the real games. And oh! By the way my generation had the much talked internet and computers at home but we lived; we lived with the real games, the real friends and real time with the parents.
Little did we know of war, the terrorism and the politics. And let's not start on how we did not understand what sex, depression or rape meant.
Oh did we ever have something like cyber bullying? Nope! We had real people to fight with: mostly same aged. We could compete. The only danger was that on losing, we would be considered worth-laughing-on.
We could and we did trust blindly. We didn't knew what cynicism was and we believed in the power of innocence. Remember how puppy eyes got us everything. Oh by the way, I tried last week. They still worked ;)
I loved it then how I didn't have a phone. I loved giving my parents the worries of "Where the hell is my little girl?". yes as you can by now read I was oh wait! I am a brat.
I am glad we had all the chocolates that we could. I am thankful that little did we care about those calories and also, that we did not know of the 'zero figure'. Oh and cheers to the mani-pedis, the waxing or the hair coloring that I did not know till I was 20.
I loved it how we could test the set boundaries, question authorities and give our parents and other elders the time of their life :) I know even today the kids can, but wasn't it all just different? I like it how we get to be selfish now, while our teenage was not even close to what one can call as mean. We were good to people; and little did we know of what the bad world was.
And not to talk about how easy life was to us. Scoring 90 meant everything and today even 95 is less! For us the adolescent years were filled with emotions, changes and some responsibilities. Today it is more of stress, peer pressure and success. So kids today, I do not blame you for increased suicide rates or the crime. We shall understand that what we sow, we will reap.
My fav. part is of not having to 'earn my way through'. I never needed pocket money because this brat had an unlimited supply of 'controlled' money. Also, I cherish the fact that teenagers today are doing a lot for the society. I wish we did as much and so did a generation before. The world definitely would have been a better place for these teenagers. As they say,
"Feel the fear and do it anyway!"


Vyankatesh February 2, 2012 at 4:43 AM  

Nice post indeed, of the times that have passed by.

Nice blog too. You should add a blog followed widget.

Manisha Bhatia February 3, 2012 at 3:14 AM  

Sach thanks so much fr dropping by and leaving appreciation. I really liked dis post because u mentioned truth with humor blended in it..

It was realy nice to recall the good times..yea ths teens today r much more advanced n slowly n gradualy they r getin outa control...they r under high high stress and pressure to perform so they wanna their freedom to calm down themselves n feel everything. I feel they go more by their exp rather than suggestions n guidance of their parents...

Nice one...Keep sharin more..;)


Jack February 12, 2012 at 9:57 AM  


Read 2 pending posts now. Good account of your visit with nice advice. It is true that there is a change in every generation and that is what you have seen. Nicely told.

Take care

PS : No visits? Busy?

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